Monday, October 9
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Breakout B: Greenhouse Gas Target Setting:
Science Based Targets Initiative for Data Centers

The number of companies publicly announcing commitments to attain net-zero carbon emissions is growing. A study by the United Nations showed a three-fold increase in just one year, from 500 companies with net-zero targets in 2019 to 1,500 in 2020. Amazon, Apple, AT&T, Microsoft, and T-Mobile are among those with near-term, long-term, and/or net-zero emissions targets, and the trickle-down effect as they establish supplier codes of conduct is influencing other companies in their value chains to do the same. This presentation will explore the Science Based Targets initiative, which provides sector-specific criteria for companies to set science-based targets.

Anu Krishnan (bio)
Managing Consultant
Trinity Consultants