Tuesday, October 22
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Breakout B:
Understanding the Latest and Greatest Data Center Construction Codes and Standards

This session will focus on the opportunities embedded in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Industry Applications Society (IAS) concerning construction codes and standards for data centers. Conference attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of how the IEEE IAS—particularly its Commercial Power Systems Department (CPSD) and the IEEE 3000 Standards—can be instrumental in navigating and implementing construction standards and recommended practices for data centers. Key areas covered in this session will include power system design, analysis, protection, and reliability. These and other areas are essential for constructing a highly reliable data center.

Dr. Qais Alsafasfeh (bio)
Engineering Leader, Schneider Electric and
Member, IEEE Datacenter Subcommittee

William Schaumann (bio)
Senior Associate Electrical Engineer, Burns McDonnell and
Secretary, IEEE IAS Datacenter Subcommittee