Monday, October 21
8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Conference Keynote:
The Great Progression: The Story of America & the World from 2025 to 2050

Peter LeydenPeter Leyden (bio)
Futurist, tech expert, strategic foresight advisor, former WIRED managing editor & serial entrepreneur

The can-do optimist Peter Leyden uses this talk to counter all the pervasive doom and gloom narratives and make what he calls a Positive Reframe of what’s actually been happening in recent decades and what’s likely to emerge in the decades to come. He tells the story of real progress in America and the world today and great progress that lies just ahead, based on his recent magazine piece, The Great Progression, 2025 to 2050. This talk places our current era in the broader context of American history and makes a compelling case that we’re heading into another period of great progress that will solve many of our greatest challenges.