Tuesday, October 22
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Using a Sustainability Index to Align Targets and Increase Transparency in the Data Center Industry

The need for a standardized sustainability assessment tool for new data center builds is growing, driven by factors such as environmental concerns, regulatory compliance, corporate sustainability goals, operational efficiency, and technological advancements. With these factors converging, best practices are emerging to measure and standardize environmental considerations in construction. Utilizing a Sustainable Index establishes baseline measurements for data center aspects and aligns performance goals with the environment and communities they serve. The Index acts as a unifying mechanism for design teams, helping them stay organized and focused on their goals and the interrelationships between various aspects.

J.D. Lambert (bio)
Sustainable Design Leader Mission Critical

Elizabeth Larsen (bio)
Senior Sustainability Engineer
Bala Consulting Engineers

Karen Petersburg (bio)
Vice President, Data Center Development & Construction
PowerHouse Data Centers