Wednesday, June 12
11:15 AM – 12:15 PM
Solving Data Center Sustainability and AI Density Challenges with Adaptive Reuse

Wednesday, June 12
11:15 AM – 12:15 PM
Solving Data Center Sustainability and AI Density Challenges with Adaptive Reuse

From 350 Cermak to 1 Wilshire to 60 Hudson, the industry has proven its skill in repurposing buildings for digital infrastructure use. But in recent years, as facility sizes grow larger and larger, the trend has been to tear down, pave over, and stick build. And although the benefits of new construction are apparent, there’s a downside: carbon impact. For new builds, steel and concrete consume massive amounts of embodied carbon. Fortunately, there is a potential solution for the 30 billion square feet of corporate real estate in the US alone. This presentation will assess the history and future of adaptive reuse in the industry and inform the audience how reusing real estate can solve the challenges that super-dense AI deployments pose

Sean Farney (bio)
Senior Vice President, Data Center Strategy