Russ Gibbs
Vice President of Innovation & Operational Technology
Brasfield & Gorrie

Tuesday, June 10, 2025
2:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M.
Unleashing AI: Smarter Design, Faster Builds, and Seamless Operations (session)

Russ Gibbs is the Vice President of Innovation and Operational  Technology at Brasfield and Gorrie, LLC.  After graduating from Auburn University’s school of Architecture, Russ joined the Brasfield and Gorrie team in 2011 as the 2nd VDC coordinator in the company.  Over these past 14 years Russ has grown his teams to over 70 professionally across 8 different offices.  BIM, drones, reality capture, grade control, robotics, AI, and IoT are all growing technologies that Russ and his team oversee.