Tuesday, June 6
9:00 A.M. – 10:00 A.M.
Tuesday Keynote
The Unappreciated Variable

Compass Datacenters
Management theorist Peter Drucker once said, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” As businesses grapple with the short and long-term impact of COVID on the work environment, 100% remote, 100% office or somewhere in between they can expect real solutions to be few and the associated trade-offs to be many. For many organizations, their on-going ability to grow and thrive will depend on inculcation and strength of a distinct corporate culture. In this presentation, the presenter will explore the importance and impact of a strong company culture. Among the areas addressed will be the definition and elements of a corporate culture, what it is and isn’t, and why it’s important. Real-life examples will be provided on how cultures originate and are built and why some succeed, and others fail despite the best of intentions.