Co-Marketing Center
Email Templates
Feel free to use our sample email templates:
For Partners
For Chapters
Usage Tips:
- Customize the email by providing your additional copy, logo, graphics, etc.
- Use the text only version for those who may need it.
- Share this with your sales reps so they can invite their customers to attend.
- Are you speaking? Use this to promote your educational session.
- Plan your email campaign to hit inboxes at preferred times, which may vary based on your customer preferences.
Email Signatures
To download the following images right click on the banner (on a Mac hold the Ctrl button and click on the image) select the option; “Save image as” or “Save picture as” (depending on the browser), select your destination and click the “Save” button.
For Sponsors
For Speakers
For Chapters
Social Media
99 Characters
Be sure to visit our table @7x24exchange at the #7x24exchange Spring 2025 Conference
127 Characters
@companyname is excited to be a partner of @7x24exchange this spring. Be sure to stop by our table#7x24exchange
Longer Post (For Facebook and LinkedIn)
Join us at the 7×24 Exchange 2025 Spring Conference taking placing June 8-11 in Orlando, FL. We’ll be participating as sponsors and have a booth in the exhibit hall. Be sure to stop by and learn about our latest products and services. To find out more about the conference, visit
Social Media Images
Increase the impact of your tweets by including images. Feel free to use any of the images below.
To download the following images right click on the banner (on a Mac hold the Ctrl button and click on the image) select the option; “Save image as” or “Save picture as” (depending on the browser), select your destination and click the “Save” button.
Banner Ads
To download the following images right click on the banner (on a Mac hold the Ctrl button and click on the image) select the option; “Save image as” or “Save picture as” (depending on the browser), select your destination and click the “Save” button.
